Monday, April 18, 2011

Wireless devices to cross the 1 billion mark in shipments

Wireless devices are all set to beat all records and surpass the one billion mark soon, sources reported. The number will get doubled by 2015 and it is also leading to the belief that the numbers could lead to an electromagnetic apocalypse, sources informed.

In 2011, WLAN enabled devices will cross the 1 billion mark, and attain a 1.2 billion number, a rise of 35% compared to 2010’s 880.4 billion units.

The world is increasingly using internet and is seeking to communicate through services and content anywhere at any given time. This phenomenon will lead to the large number of devices being sold.

The WLAN devices have grown also because of cell phones and mobile PCs which shall sell 512.8 million units and 230.1 million units this year respectively.
Also, on the threshold of release are some new categories of embedded devices which shall give impetus to WLAN sales. Also television with WLAN will grow at a rate of 77.8 percent between year 2010 to 2015; giving wireless devices more scope to grow in terms of shipments.

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